
Best gastroenterologist in Mumbai

What Are Gastroenterology and Hepatology? Gastroenterology and Hepatology is the medical specialty concerned with digestive diseases and diseases related to the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas. The Best gastroenterologist in Mumbai :   The Institute of Gastric Sciences at Apollo Hospitals, Navi Mumbai, is dedicated to the management of diseases of the digestive and hepatobiliary systems. The Institute offers specialized assistance in Medical and Surgical Gastroenterology and has modern and state-of-the-art equipment, with the support of advanced intensive care units. Gastroenterology essentially deals with diseases of the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, colon and rectum, pancreas, gallbladder, bile ducts and liver. The functioning of the entire digestive system - from the passage of food through the digestive channel to the physiological processes of digestion, absorption and elimination of food is under the purview of this specialty. The Apollo Hospital is the  Best gas...

Best Gastroenterology Doctor in Navi Mumbai

What are gastroenterology and hepatology? Gastroenterology and Hepatology is the medical specialty concerned with digestive diseases and diseases related to the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas. Best  Gastroenterology Doctor in Navi Mumbai :   The Apollo Hospital is the Best Gastrologistt in Navi Mumbai has a full range of the latest endoscopic facilities, including ERCP and related interventions, and provides 24-hour service for gastrointestinal emergencies, such as blood vomiting, foreign body ingestion, and liver coma.

Best Gastroenterology Doctor in Hyderabad

What is gastroenterology and hepatology? Gastroenterology and Hepatology is the medical specialty concerned with digestive diseases and diseases related to the liver, gallbladder and pancreas. Best  Gastroenterology Doctor in Hyderabad : The Apollo Hospital is the Best Gastrologistt in Hyderabad has a full range of the latest endoscopic facilities, including ERCP and related interventions, and provides 24-hour service for gastrointestinal emergencies, such as blood vomiting, foreign body ingestion, and liver coma.

Best Gastroenterologists in Hyderabad

What is a Gastroenterologists  ? These specialists mainly diagnose and treat GI diseases in men and women. They perform endoscopic procedures, in which they use specialized instruments to visualize the GI tract and make a diagnosis. They do not perform surgery. Best Hospital for Gastroenterology in Hyderabad Apollo hospitals is a Best gastroenterology hospital in Hyderabad , they are among the best  hospital in the world, whether in academic qualifications, clinical knowledge, practical experience or in research publications. Committed to patient-centered care, they contribute to our record of unmatched clinical results.

Best gastrointestinal surgeons in India:

Dr. Saravanan  is one of the best gastrointestinal surgeons in India, is having an experience of over  10 years  in Surgical Gastroenterology, and specialized in minimally invasive surgery in Gastrointestinal and Hepatopancreaticobiliary Oncology. Dr. Saravanan  is a national board-certified gastrointestinal surgeon and he is worked in most reputed institutions in India. He is expertise in various fields like: Thoraco-laparoscopy in GI Oncology Minimally invasive pancreaticobiliary surgery Early Recovery protocols, Zero blood loss, and Surgical safety

Gastrointestinal and HPB surgeons in India

Dr. Vaithiswaran Velayoudam is an eminent Surgical Oncologist specializing in gastrointestinal cancer and HPB. His area of ​​expertise is in the minimally invasive treatment of cancers of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, and pancreas. Dr. vaithiswaran velayoudam his medical and surgical training from different institutions in the country, such as JIPMER and AIIMS. He has a huge experience of over 12 years in the field of surgical oncology.   He is expertise in : Esophageal cancers Colorectal cancers Stomach cancers Pancreatic cancers Liver cancers